Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sometimes parenting sucks!

Sometimes, parenting just sucks. I tried to think of a nicer way to say it, but I'm at a loss. Parenting is tough!

Lately, living with CJ has been like living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He is sweet and loving one minute, and then he turns around and scratches me because I didn't give him a second helping of crackers. He has been mean toward his friends, taking swings at them if he isn't happy about something. He talks back to me all the time.

I am struggling.

I would like to think that I am consistent in disciplining him when he acts up. When he disobeys, I act quickly and firmly. I have tried a variety of discipline techniques. I have limited his sugar intake. I religiously use essential oils on him. Nothing has seemed to make a lasting impact on him.

I understand that part of the issue is that he is 3-years old. I know being an only child does not help. While both may be true, they are also excuses. I know plenty of 3-year old kids that are respectful and kind.

What am I doing wrong?

No matter how hard I analyze my parenting style, I'm not sure that I am going to find an answer. For now, I am going to keep disciplining bad behavior and praising good behavior. I will also pray hard each day that CJ can act in a way that pleases God...and that I can do the same.


  1. Sweet Mama-you're not doing anything wrong. Parenting is just hard. Each stage is different & difficult in it's own way. I kept thinking "it's going to get easier when...", but then realized it's doesn't get easier it just gets different. Keep on doing what you're doing.

  2. Katie, thank you very much for sharing your story. You are right, sometimes parenting sucks!!! While I'd love to give you the secret answer for how to get your children to be perfect angels, sadly I'm still searching for the magic answer (I'm afraid there isn't one out there). If I have any consolation to share, it is that you are not alone in feeling that way. I feel that way many a days! The fact is being a parent is the hardest job in the whole world. Just keep your head up and be confident you are doing a great job. Keeping you in my prayers as your family goes through this exciting transition!

  3. I feel you, and I've asked the same questions myself. Parker too alternates between ridiculously sweet and crazy child without much rhyme or reason to it. I don't think it is anything we're doing wrong though-- each child is different and has different strengths and weaknesses. If CJ seems particularly difficult lately it's probably because you're so stressed out. Kids are aware of our emotions and react to them, and to make it worse, we're usually less patient when we're stressed, so it ends up being a double dose of trouble. The thing that has been helping me the most lately is focusing on staying calm, keeping my voice soft, and getting down to his leavel to talk to him. This doesn't make his behavior perfect, but it does make the situation manageable. Hang in there, and just be patient with yourself... you are balancing a lot right now!

  4. Thanks ladies! I really appreciate the encouragement! It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one! :) My goal is to stay calm. It's not easy, but I'm getting better at it.
