Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Personality Test

We met with Sharon on Monday to discuss the results of our personality tests. Matt and I each rated ourselves, and then rated the other. The whole experience was designed to help us understand how our personalities will work together once we have children, and how they will affect our parenting styles. I think going into the appointment, we were nervous to see how things matched up. We feel like we know each other pretty well, and we have no problem talking with each other, but now we were being evaluated by a counselor!

I think the results were pretty accurate with how we would normally describe ourselves. It was interesting to see the graph that was formed by the results. Certain characteristics matched up almost perfectly, while others were quite different. It showed that, in a lot of ways, we complement each other very well. There was definitely a running theme throughout the appointment…our type-A personalities. Most sections of the assessment were affected by how we like to plan and account for every detail possible.

The best part of this whole process is what we have learned about ourselves, both individually and as a couple. I think the biggest life lesson has been to give up trying to plan and trust that God has a plan set for us. So often, I look at a situation and automatically try to figure out how I can fix things. I need to get better at asking God for guidance before I start creating a solution. I’m sure many of you have heard the saying “If you want to make God laugh, show Him your plans.”

We have two more appointments set with Sharon. One is my one-on-one interview at her office. The second is a meeting at our house, where we’ll meet with her as a couple and Matt will meet with her individually. At that point, our home study will be complete and Sharon will present us to the other counselors at CFCA. In the next two weeks, we’ll begin working on our match letter, which is presented to birth mothers at the agency. Being that neither of us is super-creative, we’re a little nervous about this. I’ll try to post it on the blog once it is complete.

As always, please pray for us as we go through this process. We would also ask that you continue to pray for our birth family, whoever they may be.

1 comment:

  1. You and Matt? Type A personalities? Nah. :-D

    I'm glad the meetings have been going well, and that you're gaining something from them, not just jumping through hoops. We are praying for you through this process for sure!
