Monday, June 21, 2010


Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us through this process! As I've mentioned before, it is amazing how much we have learned about ourselves, and how much we've gained from this experience.

In a poast posting, I mentioned a young couple in Wisconsin who were considering adoption. They have decided to parent that baby (due in August). Obviously, there is a little disappointment, but this is truly the ideal situation for that child. To be raised by parents who love him/her and who have a strong support system is a perfect scenario. We would ask that you continue to pray for that family, as they will experience a great transition in mid-August.

We will officially submit our match letter to CFCA this week (probably Wednesday). Sharon has informed us that the letter will go online by Thursday at the latest. Many of you have already seen it through this blog, but I'll still post the link once it goes live. At that point, we wait. The Pregnancy Counselors will present our letter to any birth mother who matches our interests.

My goal now, other than to have a high level of patience, is to begin submitting applications for adoption grants. Quite a few organizations offer funding for adoptive parents, so I will be in contact with them to see if we qualify. If nothing else, it will give me something to do so that I don't get to antsy.

We'll keep everyone posted on how things are going. Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers!


  1. Lovin' the positive attitude!!
    I'll keep you in our prayers.
    Happy Anniversary, Matt and Katie!
    Love you,
