Monday, November 1, 2010

One step closer!!

It’s been a few weeks since our last blog entry, which is because we really haven’t had anything exciting to share. We were slowly starting to wonder if maybe the couple had changed their minds, or just didn’t like the letter we sent. Either way, it was hard not knowing what they were thinking.

Last night, we received an exciting phone call. Matt’s Aunt Mary called to let us know that the couple is interested in talking with us. They had lost the cover letter that I sent, which included our contact information. That explained why they had not been in touch. They asked if we could send another copy of the letter so that they can schedule some time to talk. Could they!? Of course!!

I did what anyone else would do…I overnighted them a copy of our letter. My thinking is that there is no reason to delay this any further. The sooner they get our letter, the better! They should have it in hand by Wednesday at the latest.

While this doesn’t guarantee anything, we are still excited that they would like to talk. This is the farthest we’ve gotten in the process with a birth family. I’ll do my best to update the blog so you can see what is going on. We’re hopeful that we can schedule time to Skype with them, which is preferred over a phone call.

I know that we’ll be extremely nervous when the time comes to talk with them, and I am pretty sure they will feel the same way. I’m just hoping that we are all comfortable talking with each other. Please pray that all goes well.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! I'm so happy for you two! :)
    We'll be praying for you guys!
    Love ya!
