Monday, December 13, 2010

How much could we possibly need??

I assumed that I knew how to prepare for a child. After all, many of our friends have kids and I've been able to observe. As people have started asking us questions, I have quickly realized that I have no idea what I'm doing; which I'm told is normal ;). It all started when we registered for baby stuff.

Honestly, how many types of bottles, pacifiers and diapers should be available? It was ridiculous. Babies R Us turned into pink and blue insanity. As we walked up and down aisles, I had to take mini breaks just to keep my composure. It was very exciting to register for these items; picturing each piece at our house being used by our child. Several times though, we had to ask the sales associates for assistance because we simply had no idea what we were doing.

The crazy thing is all of the gadgets that you "have to have." I'm pretty sure that we didn't get PeePee TeePees when my brother was born. For those asking, yes they are real, and yes we registered for them. Visit the registry if you aren't sure what they are (it's worth it). As a soon-to-be new parent, I started to fall prey to their marketing. Luckily, we would look at items, ask if we'd actually use it, and then wait a few minutes before adding it to the list. It saved us a few times. I'll admit that we did add a few things that probably aren't necessary. Why not?! After all, you never know when you'll need a PeePee TeePee. There were even a few items that looked good upon first glance, and then you realized that it was a little excessive. Example - the Baby Einstein activity mirror that hangs on the seat of your car for baby to look at as he rides backwards. It sounds like a great item...until you realize that a baby cannot reach the buttons. After a few minutes, you realize that it is just an expensive mirror.

I know that I joke about all of this, but I am truly excited to use some of the cool items that we've found. We may have fallen prey to their marketing tactics, but I'm pretty sure we'll enjoy using everything just as much as he will. :)


  1. wish we would have bought pee pee tee pees!! It would have saved Miles many embarassing moments of pee in the face...

  2. There is so much crazy stuff! With the comfort of time, in our case, I prepped Joey by promising to only focus on two departments at time. Stroller & Crib one day, Car stuff another, all the other crap another etc. But you are brave to take that ridiculous store on!! =)

    Keep every receipt (BRU and TRU don't take anything back without them) and be prepared to love something, like a certain bottle or pacifier, and your new sweet baby hates it. Its just happens. That's why there's so many options. =)

  3. totally unsolicited advice (get used to it as a new mom there will be LOTS!), but this will be non-bossy and super helpful!
    The trick to changing a boy and not getting a shower is that you open the diaper for a second or two & let the cool air hit it. Then cover back up while you get wipes and a fresh diaper ready. Then change as usual (but keep a washcloth or PeePee TeePee handy, just in case!). The cool air is what makes them need to pee, so you give them the opportunity, without getting hosed down! :)
    Enjoy! Boys are so fun!

  4. I've survived 2 boys without any teepees. :) Half a wipe works just as well.

    Yep- you don't need all the stuff they say you do but most of it you won't know you won't need until you're in the thick of things and figuring out you and baby's preferences. Part of the fun!

  5. Thanks everyone! We're really trying to not be the parents who buy useless crap. I will admit that we'll probably buy the teepees just because they are hilarious.

    The advice is appreciated. It is helpful to hear everyone's tips about raising little boys. :)
