Last Monday, CJ and I also shared a moment that I will probably not forget...his first boo boo. He was cruising around the living room in his walker when he found the end table. As he tried to pull everything off of it, he bumped his head on the table (just above his eye). It was one of those slow-motion moments when you know something bad is going to happen but you can't do anything about it. That poor child screamed as if I had cut off an arm. I went over to him and he held up his arms to me. That alone made my heart melt, but then he nuzzled his head into my shoulder after I picked him up. It was the first time that I really felt that I was comforting him. Don't get me wrong, there have been many times when he's cried and I've held him to calm him down. I don't know what made this different, but it was. Obviously my goal is to help him avoid pain, but it was still a moment that we shared.
On Saturday, I had some time alone with CJ while Matt was on his staff retreat. At a few different points, I stopped what I was doing and just watched CJ. I was in complete awe of him. Over the past few weeks, it seems like he is grasping more concepts and understanding more about life. It is so fun to watch him put things together in his mind, or respond to something that I do. Even the small things are amazing to me.
As I was staring at him, I decided to reach into his mouth to see if he had made any progress on a tooth. We knew it would be coming soon, but it didn't seem to be in rush. What do you think I found as I reached in...a tooth that had cut through! I actually teared up a little (please don't make fun of me). My little man is growing up! I was so excited that I pried open his mouth so that I could actually see it. This was not an easy feat because his tongue is constantly in the way. I immediately texted Matt and then, of course, posted it on Facebook. I was pretty amazed that we hadn't experienced any crazy crying or pain. I've heard some horror stories about teething. Well, apparently, the pain was waiting just a bit longer because last night (Sunday) around 4pm he went nuts. You could tell that he was in an extreme amount of pain, and there was no consoling him. We tried the teething tabs (which didn't do anything), Orajel (ditto), and finally ended with Tylenol (which did the trick). In between each attempt, we would put a washcloth in ice water and then let him suck on it. That seemed to help for short periods of time. I felt terrible that we weren't able to do anything more for him. Thankfully, around 6pm the pain had subsided and he was back to his jolly self.
The next milestone will probably be some form of crawling. He is so close...
17 days until our finalization!
So excited for you guys!! :) Can't wait until everything is final!!