Saturday, September 28, 2013

Happy Adoption Anniversary! (two weeks late)

It's hard to believe that two years have gone by since our adoption finalization. With so many people knowing our story, it is a rare occasion when I come across someone who does not know that CJ is adopted.

Two weeks ago, I was with some friends. We met them last year and see them occasionally, but I wouldn't say that we're close. As we talked, I mentioned something about CJ's half-brother. The look on their faces clearly showed me that they had no idea what I was talking about. As I stammered through an explanation of our situation with Alex, I realized that the look was not because of Alex, it was because they couldn't figure out how CJ had a brother when I didn't have any other children. I explained that CJ was adopted and gave them a brief version of our adoption story. They were blown away; they could not believe that CJ was adopted. We get this a lot. CJ has similar skin and hair color, so I don't think anyone assumes that he is adopted. It's been awhile since I've witnessed someone's shock when they learn our family story.

As strange as this sounds, there are times when I forget CJ is adopted. I don't mean that I see him as a biological child, just that his adoption is not the first thing that comes to mind. That is a big thing for me. Early in his life, I was very aware that he was not a biological child. I felt that I needed to justify decisions, I felt like less of a mom because I didn't experience pregnancy or labor, and I felt that everyone looked at me differently because of his adoption.

The fact that I now don't think about his adoption just shows how much God has changed me over the past two years. I have gained confidence as a mom, I have fully accepted how God wanted to grow our family, and I found support in other adoptive moms.

It is such a good feeling to look at CJ and simply see my son!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you all! You guys seem like great parents, and I'm glad you're feeling more at peace with your journey to parenthood.
