Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Good for you!

Yesterday morning at the park, I got talking to another mom. Her daughter is fairly close in age with Alex, so we had was a natural conversation starter. When she noticed that I had three boys, she shared that she was hoping to have a second child in the near future. She asked if it was harder to from 1-2 kids or 2-3. At that point, I had to share that the boys were adopted because I never went from 1-2. When I shared a little about our story, her response was "good for you!"

All day long, that statement stuck with me.

"Good for you!"

It was as if I had studied and aced an important test, or worked hard and received a promotion. I realize that people don't usually know what to say when I share that we adopted our boys, but this response seemed a little funny to me. So I stared wondering, how would I want someone to respond?

I think I just want a response that is similar to what they would say to a biological mom. I've never told a woman "good for you" when she shares that she is pregnant (although I may try that now just to see the reaction). I hadn't considered that something as simple as this would be just another reminder that I am "different." I wasn't upset by her comment. It takes a lot to offend me or hurt my feelings when it comes to adoption. I simply found it to be an interesting response, and I wasn't sure what to make of it.

Any adoptive moms following this, feel free to comment with what you like to hear when you share that your child(ren) is/are adopted.

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