Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Trying to be patient!

In many of my earlier posts, I commented on how much patience I was having to develop as we waited to be placed with a baby. I am not sure why, but I figured that once we brought our little man home, the waiting would be over. Guess what...I was wrong! The waiting continues! We are still waiting to hear from the County Attorney's office. They will have us come in to sign a petition to adopt. Then, more waiting. After that has been filed, we will be assigned a court date to finalize the adoption. Then, and only then, will our waiting be over.

I am trying to be patient; after all, we have a beatiful baby boy at home to keep us busy. There are a million things to keep my mind off of the adoption process and on our little man. While I know that he is part of our family, I would really like to have that recognized by the state. Ok, now is the point when you say "but you only brought him home four months ago" and when I reply "yes, I realize that." You should know me well enough to realize that I am impatient.

In the meantime, we get to enjoy all of the little milestones that CJ has been hitting, or that are coming soon. He is now reaching for things and pulling them towards his mouth (of course). He follows objects with his eyes and "talks" to us. He also giggles when we make funny faces or noises. There is no greater satisfaction than having a baby laugh at something you do.

Any day now, he will roll over for the first time. He's almost there, but can't quite swing one leg over. We'll be starting solid foods in the next few weeks, which will definitely be put on video for all to enjoy. I just read today that we are quickly approaching the time when babies sit up. I am amazed by how much they change in such a short period of time. Every day he figures something out, and every day I am convinced that my son is a genius!

I realize that I need to update our blog pictures since none of them include CJ. I will do that soon, I promise!


  1. You guys are doing an amazing job!! We love your little man and can't wait for him to have a little friend!

  2. He is a genius! As we always Say with Miles, "He's sooooo advanced!" :) Almost there!!!
