Monday, February 14, 2011

Month in Review

As you can imagine, I've learned quite a bit over the past month. It seems like everyday brings a new lesson. Here are ten things I've learned, in no particular order:

1. Showering is optional, unless you are going out in public. There have been days that I just cannot find the time to take a shower. Some of you may be thankful that you haven't seen me in awhile.

2. Figuring out what a baby's cry means is not immediate. It takes time to learn what the baby wants/needs. We still have plenty of times when I have to try four different remedies before CJ stops crying.

3. It's OK to say "Thank you" when someone says "You look great for having a 1 month old!" At first, I would explain that he was adopted, as if to justify how I look. Then, I realized that accepting a compliment never hurt anyone. :)

4. Baby books cannot be trusted. Unless you read them with a grain of salt, you'll only end up feeling bad about how you're raising your child. I decided early on to read these as though I was at a buffet; take what looks good and leave the other stuff behind.

5. Random people are never at a loss for advice, suggestions or criticism.
I've been relatively lucky with this so far, but it is amazing how bold people (read old ladies) can be.

6. People don't know what to expect with an adopted child. It seems like most are surprised that he looks "normal." No, he doesn't have a bunch of warts or a hump on his back. I love hearing people talk about how cute he is, but some really seem like they were expecting to see Quasimoto.

7. Baby farts are always funny. Enough said!

8. The phrase "Nap while he's napping" should actually be "Do whatever you want during nap time." Everyone tells you to take naps when the baby does, but that isn't always possible. I have to be at the point where I literally can't keep my eyes open before I can nap. Matt can confirm that I don't always wake up well from a nap, and CJ really doesn't need to see that side of me yet. When I'm tired, I nap. Otherwise, I get ahead on cleaning, laundry or bottles.

9. Often, what is bothering mommy isn't bothering baby. CJ has had a stuffy nose for about a week. It doesn't seem to be a problem for him; I cringe every time he takes a breath. He also gets frequent hiccups. I feel terrible because his whole body convulses with each hiccup. He just sits there while it happens, acting no differently than when the hiccups are gone.

10. CJ is the most amazing baby ever. At first I thought I was biased, but after a month's worth of observation I realized that this is actually a fact. :)


  1. #3 went through the same thing when Quinn came home. People assumed he was only a few weeks old and boy did I look great!
    #5 glad you haven't heard anything too annoying yet!
    #8 - never, not once, did I nap while my kids napped. It's my only time for quiet - I don't want to spend it unconscious!


  2. : ) I'll agree CJ is the cutest kid around, in six and a half months though, we'll have to talk!
