Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mommy Guilt

Definition - feeling like crap because of something that you may or may not have had control over, that involves your kids(s).

This morning, I had to take my little CJ to the ER because he smashed his face at the playground, knocking out his front tooth. He had been trying to climb a ladder with a cracker in his hand and slipped. Honestly, he was more upset about losing the cracker than losing the tooth. Even so, talk about a Mommy guilt moment! In the moment, I would like to think that I held it together. It is easier to hold it together when you have an audience observing the chaos. As soon as we got home from the ER and I had a chance to process everything, I lost it.

Let me begin by saying that I've had Mommy guilt in the past. Working full-time stirred up plenty of guilty feelings (even though I know that was the best option for our family). The moments when I lose it and yell at CJ also open the flood gates of guilt. I'm sure I have a lot more examples. While I've experienced it before, nothing prepared me for the guilt that I felt today.

Once we knew that CJ was fine, my brain automatically turned against me and started the "what if" game. What if I had made him sit down while he finished his snack? What if I was on the equipment with him (implying that I could have prevented the fall)? What if we didn't go to the park today? And the list goes on.

What I wasn't thinking about were the other "what ifs." What if he had bit through his lip? What if he had gotten a concussion? What if I had walked to the park, instead of driving? Ahhh, that makes me feel a little better. This could definitely have been a much worse scenario.

Why is it so easy for us, as moms (and probably dads too), to blame ourselves when things happen to our children? I wish I had an answer. The best I can say is that we love them and don't want to see them suffer. I have worked all day to stop thinking about it, which is a little difficult because my son's smile is a constant reminder (see below).

Not even a knocked-out tooth could bring this guy down!

My answer? I prayed. I finally came to the realization that I cannot fix what happened, and that I probably could not have prevented it. With no other options left, I asked God to remove my guilt and allow me to be thankful that it was not worse. While I still feel bad that he had to experience such a bad fall, I do feel a lot more peace about everything. I just wish that I had gone to God first, instead of trying to rely on myself. That sentence could be the beginning a whole other blog post!


  1. Katie, you are a wonderful mother! And I know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to mommy guilt. I usually experience it around 3 a.m., love those sleepless nights (no one told me they don't end after the baby starts sleeping through the night). :-) I think your approach was wonderful and front tooth or not; nothing can change how absoultely adorable he is. Best wishes.

  2. Hang in there! You are a wonderful Mother...maybe even more so for giving him enough space to have adventures with the possibility of falling :) My only questions is, how does he knock out a tooth and have no other bruises/scratches on his face!?

  3. So, as I'm sure you've seen on FB, he actually jammed the tooth into his gums. We are completely stumped as to how he managed to only hit one tooth. I can't explain the lack of scratches and bruises either, Lisa. It was the perfect fall, I guess. This kid is 1 in a million! :)

  4. Saw the tooth pics on Facebook and just now seeing the explanation for it. So sorry for the stress it has caused you, and I can relate. I think it just comes with raising boys.

  5. I think we all have the mommy guilt, especially when our kiddos get hurt and we might have been able to prevent it. Good thing our kiddos also know that we love them tons, and we'll be there crying right next to them! :) Love you Katie!
